2023 Boston Marathon

Why am I passionate about lifestyle medicine and eating plants? Because at what has been the lowest point in my life, unknowingly applying some of the evidence based strategies of lifestyle medicine helped me through my darkest days. Connecting with others, learning ways to calm my nervous system and react differently to stress and anxiety, getting back into running, and eventually eating a plant based diet have all been part of my evolution.

What are some things I enjoy most? My family, being in nature, running (that’s me finishing my 5th Boston Marathon), coaching, my cats, coffee, watching TV at night with my husband (that is how I first learned about plant based nutrition), and learning new things.

What are my qualifications? I’m a registered dietitian and certified diabetes care and education specialist. I am a Wellcoaches certified health and well-being coach and am currently completing a Master’s degree in lifestyle health sciences and coaching through the University of North Texas Health Science Center. I am board certified in lifestyle medicine through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. I’m also a human who has made mistakes and bad choices (and will continue to make mistakes and bad choices), experienced loss and setbacks, overcome challenges, and celebrated successes.

We do not change until we’re ready. Sometimes our inner pain or unfulfilled longing gets so loud and insistent that we can’t ignore it another minute. But readiness doesn’t come from the outside, and it can’t be rushed or forced. You’re ready when you’re ready, when something inside shifts and you decide, Until now I did that. Now I’m going to do something else.
— Dr. Edith Eger, The Gift

Movement in nature, particularly running, has played a powerful role in helping me through stressful and emotionally painful times in my life. Just like humans are designed to eat lots of whole plants, they are also designed to move…a lot…every day. And be part of a tribe or supportive community. If you’ve ever toed the line at a race, you know the feeling of connection and kinship that exists within the running community. You don’t have to be fast or have the latest and greatest attire and gadgets, you just have to show up and put one foot in front of the other until you reach your destination. The same holds true for making food and lifestyle changes. You set the pace and the direction you want to go, and I will help guide and support you on your path to better health. Whatever it is you want to achieve, you deserve it!

Hiking the White Mountains in New Hampshire

Me with Dr. Michael Greger, founder of Nutrition Facts

With Dr. Michael Greger, founder of Nutrition Facts